ATEX Retractor Spring balancers Type 9336AX-9350AX (0.5 - 14kg) 2500mm stroke

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Features & Technical data

  • This range of ATEX approved balancers includes the following features :
  • * II 2G Ex h IIC T6 Gb (9336LAX/9336AX/9346LAX/9346AX)
    * II 2G Ex h IIB T6 Gb (9337AX÷9339AX/9347AX-9349AX)
    * II 2G Ex h IIA T6 Gb (9340AX/9350AX)
  • * 0.5 - 14.0kg capacity / 2500mm stroke 
  • * Safety device to stop load falling in event of spring failure (>3kg)
  • * Cast Aluminium body
  • * Adjustable capacity
  • * Self lubricating bushes
  • * Adjustable stroke limiting device
  • * Auxiliary safety cable
  • * Stainless Steel Cable
  • * Anti-friction cable guide
  • For more information including pricing & availability please contact our sales office on +44(0)1298 813883 or email